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julio 9, 2018

Why Some State Laws Restrict How Many People Teens Can Drive

Teen girl driverTeens are new drivers. They lack necessary skill and experience behind the wheel. Everyone has to learn, but the process requires some extra effort today. This is why many state governments put restrictions on teen drivers. If you are a parent, you should know what these laws are and why they matter. They can influence your teen’s ability to remain safe on the road.

Know Your State Laws

Each state sets laws about who can operate a vehicle and how. Most of the time, the restrictions on teen drivers are very simplistic but effective.

For example, some states allow them to only drive one or two people in the car at one time. Some restrict the hours they can drive, limiting their ability to be on the road at night. Some states state new drivers under the age of 18 can only operate the vehicle with one other non-relative in the car. Some other drivers must have parents in the car with them.

These types of laws are clear at the time of obtaining a permit. Teens will need to learn them. Some states make them a part of the driving exam students must take. It is important for teens to understand these rules. It is also important for parents too. Never allow your teen to knowingly break these laws.

Why They Matter

Why are there laws on when teenagers can drive a vehicle? The reason is simple – driving requires focus and concentration. When there are numerous people in the car, reckless behavior is more common. Peer pressure can make a difference. Jumping train tracks, speeding, or drinking alcohol is more common when there are multiple teens together. These reckless behaviors put these drivers at risk of accidents and even death. They also put other drivers at risk when they must share the road with these teens.

Parents have a responsibility to learn these teen driving laws as well. Then, be sure to enforce them. Many teens want the ability to drive a friend in to school each day. Yet, if a teen breaks these laws, he or she could see a license suspension. Some states have much harsher laws than others. Many times, these laws help to minimize the risk of having to file an auto insurance claim after an accident. Parents should take responsibility for their children’s driver education.

Speak to your Santa Ana car insurance provider. Be sure your teen’s insurance protection is up to date. Auto insurance helps to minimize the financial impact of these types of high-risk situations.

Also Read: Does Your State Have Distracted Driving Laws?

Categories: Sin categorizar

Tags: insurance, auto insurance, car insurance, teen drivers, state laws, california

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