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octubre 25, 2018

Does Auto Insurance Cover Falling Objects?

Tree on carThink back to the movies for a moment. You may remember a scene when a piano falls out of someone’s apartment several floors up onto a car. This is a rare but good example of a falling object. And, depending on the type of auto insurance you have, your policy may cover the damage you suffer.

In most cases, you cannot prevent a falling object from striking the car. You cannot prevent damage from all falling objects, either. For this reason, most car insurance provides this protection.

What Type of Auto Insurance Covers Falling Objects?

Comprehensive auto insurance is the most common type of coverage for falling objects. This type of insurance covers damage to the car from accidents that you do not cause. This usually includes things fires, theft, and vandalism. Again, there is usually no way for you to prevent this type of risk from occurring. Since falling items often fall into this category, your comprehensive coverage should provide support.

Falling objects can sometimes be an exclusion on your policy, though. Take the time to read through it to determine if this is on your current policy. It is best to work with your car insurance agent to make sure you always maintain this coverage.

What Qualifies As a Falling Object?

A piano falling out of the sky is not likely, but it is possible for other items to fall onto your car. For example, a rock or even a piece of a bridge can fall onto your car as you pass under it. A tree limb might fall as you pass under it. In fact, many auto insurance plans even cover damage from debris that falls from space. Again, be sure to read the details of your plan to know the extent of your coverage. Common falling objects include trees, objects dislodged during a storm, and debris from buildings.

There are restrictions to this type of auto insurance. Most vehicle owners need to invest wisely in proper auto coverage. If you have only basic liability coverage, you may not have protection from falling objects. Also remember that you usually still must pay your deductible if this type of incident occurs. Your auto insurance will cover repairs to your vehicle minus your deductible amount, in most cases.

Of course, if you can prevent the object falling, you should do so. For example, cut away hanging branches from over your driveway, or don’t park under dangling items at a business. For more information on coverage for falling objects, contact one of our agents today.

Categories: Sin categorizar

Tags: insurance, car insurance, falling objects, comprehensive auto insurance, santa ana, norwalk, california

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