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agosto 6, 2018

Avoiding the Harmful Effects of Drunk Driving

writing ticketIntoxication equals distraction, and that’s a recipe for disaster behind the wheel. Drinking and driving poses incalculable risks to you, your vehicle and others on the road. What might happen to your body if you drive drunk? How can you avoid it in the first place?

It’s important to understand that driving drunk is more than a little blurred vision. It’s a significant limitation of your faculties. Therefore, your ability to safely drive drops. One wrong move, and you could wind up losing everything.

How Intoxication Affects Your Body
When you drink alcohol, it limits your physical and mental control of your own body. It also impacts your spatial awareness. Some of the side effects might include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty walking or standing
  • Slurred speech
  • Sluggish reflexes
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Memory loss or distraction

And more.

Think about how any of these might impact your ability to drive a car. You must be able to see, hear and react to sudden developments. Alcohol reduces your ability to do so. That’s why most states have severe penalties for those who get behind the wheel intoxicated.

Staving off the Side Effects of Intoxication
If you get caught drinking and driving, you will likely face punishment from the law. These might include a loss of driving privileges, tickets, and SR-22 certificate requirements. Not only that, charges will likely signal to your auto insurance provider that you are a high risk to cover. They might cancel your coverage or charge you significantly higher premiums.

The smart driver is one who doesn’t drive intoxicated. How can you avoid doing so?
The simple answer is this. If you drink even one alcoholic beverage, do not get behind the wheel of a car. Still, this might prove harder in practice. Everyone likes a drink from time to time, but you must drink responsibly, even so.

  • It’s always best if you drink socially to arrange other means of transportation. Ask a sober friend or family member to serve as a designated driver. Take public transport. Get another ride even if it means leaving your car parked at a restaurant overnight.
  • Most of us can tell how much alcohol is too much. Know your limits, and do not drive if you have any reason to think the drink has impacted your faculties.
  • Drink water and eat food along with your beverage. This might help reduce the effects of alcohol. Keep in mind, these actions won’t eliminate intoxication.

Alcohol can stay in your system for over 12 hours. So, if you decide to drink and drive, do so at your own risk. There are always alternatives to this dangerous business. Use them. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can get away with it.

Also Read: 3 Signs of Distracted Driving

Categories: Sin categorizar

Tags: dont drink and drive, impaired driving

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