When does your Home Insurance Cover Mold?
Mold is a toxic substance that can grow in homes quickly. It tends to be hard to see at first. However, cleanup can be difficult and expensive, even for small infestations.
Sometimes, your home insurance can help you. In others, it cannot. Mold is dangerous to your family’s health. Do not ignore its presence. In many situations, the sooner you clean it up, the less harmful it will be. There are several things you need to know about your coverage.
Does Your Policy Exclude It?
Some home insurance policies exclude mold cleanup and repairs. A basic home insurance policy will likely do this. Look at the details of your plan. An exclusion component of your policy exists. But if mold is an exclusion, there are some situations in which it may still have some coverage.
When Can Home Insurance Cover Mold?
The underlying determining factor is the cause of the mold. What caused it to occur? In most situations, the policy will offer protection if the event causing the mold has coverage. This often includes sudden and accidental incidents. For example, if a pipe bursts in your basement, this can cause mold to develop. It may take some time for that to occur, though.
If the insurer can tie the damage back to the pipe bursting, your policy may cover mold cleanup. In this case, the claim is for the pipe and the damage that occurred. Mold is a part of that claim.
When Does Home Insurance Not Cover Mold?
Along the same lines, remember that your home insurance does not cover instances of poor maintenance. Most policies view unchecked mold development as a lack of maintenance and upkeep. If this occurs, then the insurance company will not pay for the cleanup or your losses. For example, let’s say a slow leak develops in your basement, creating mold. Humidity levels are too high in the home, allowing mold to grow. These examples do not show a sudden or an accidental situation. Your home insurance likely cannot help.
Do you have mold? If so, work with your Santa Ana home insurance agent. He or she may be able to help. The agent can help determine if you have any coverage for the cleanup. If you do, it may include cleaning away the mold and remediation. This can give you a fresh start at your home.