How to Minimize Slips and Falls at a Salon
One of the biggest risks for liability claims in a salon is a slip-and-fall. Falls happen often because of the conditions present. Loose cords, wet floors, and even hair on the floor create a dangerous situation. As a salon owner, you may know the value of having general liability insurance. Yet, it is best to work to minimize the risk of having a claim at all. Here are some tips to help you.
Create Workplace Safety Rules
One of the steps you can take is to have workplace safety rules and procedures. Create rules about how to keep floors dry and slip-free.
For example, there may be a rule in your salon that requires every person to dry the floor around the sink basins after each use. Sweeping up hair as soon as possible can also be a rule. Creating a mentality and rule of cleaning up the floors often can significantly reduce the risk of falls.
Provide Non-Slip Flooring
Another way to reduce the risk of falls is to incorporate non-slip flooring into your salon. A variety of options exist today that can make pathways less risky. Laminate and water-resistant wood products tend to be ideal.
Avoid slick tiles and ceramics that can make wet floors even more of a risk. It is a good idea to install quality products that do not buckle from a lot of water exposure as well.
Placing Carpeting in Key Areas
Quick-drying carpeting can also work to help you. Placed in areas such as near doorways and pathways, they can help to absorb the water and debris that people bring in on their feet from outdoors. You can also find a variety of carpeting products that have a low pile to them. This, too, can help to reduce trips and falls in your salon.
Keep Your Insurance Up to Date
Be sure you talk to your business insurance agent on a routine basis. Get to know what your options for coverage are. And, invest in comprehensive general liability insurance.
In high-risk areas, such as salons, you know that falls are very likely. Train your team to respond to them if they do occur. And, do what you can to ensure floors remain as slip-free as possible. Routine maintenance and consistent training may be all that is necessary to accomplish this goal in many locations. However, it can go a long way to help you protect yourself.