3 Benefits of Comprehensive Auto Insurance ?
Comprehensive auto insurance essentially tacks on a few additional benefits to the policyholder that they won’t get with either collision or liability-only insurance. It’s worth it to understand the terms of this policy so that you have a clear idea of what you’re missing out on if you choose to forego it. We’ll look at three core benefits of comprehensive coverage, so you can make a more informed decision.
Covers More Than Just Collision
This is the most important feature of comprehensive. When you think about how your car can be damaged, your first thought is likely from another accident. But damage can occur to your vehicle in many ways, including fire, major storms, and vandalism. So, if you live in a college town, and your car is damaged after a big game, you won’t be stuck with the costs of fixing the car on your own.
Comprehensive Covers Theft
Theft of a vehicle is one of the most disruptive events that can happen to a person. You may first spend a certain amount of time tracking down the vehicle before you give up hope and get another one. And if your car insurance doesn’t cover theft, you’ll need to pay for the full costs of replacement on your own. If you have an excellent anti-theft system, you may feel comfortable foregoing this benefit. However, you should at least understand the possibilities before you opt for a different policy.
It Covers Animal Damage
Depending on where you live, animal damage can be a huge cost to handle for any driver. If a deer darts out in front of you on the highway, it can be exceptionally difficult to avoid or even to slow down to mitigate the severity of the damage. If you swerve the car to avoid the animal and hit another car, this would be covered under collision insurance. However, if you just hit the animal head-on, you’ll need comprehensive if you want help in covering the repairs.
There are certain cases where comprehensive car insurance simply isn’t worth it for the driver, especially if their car is older or they were planning to get a new one soon anyway. However, in other cases, comprehensive is the best way to protect the investment of your car, while ensuring you have a back-up plan in case the above-mentioned events occur.
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